Tuesday, October 26, 2010

GMT: securisation in doc Hadopi de M6 a small defaut

Reportage M6 on Hadopi has g?n?r? criticism among those who have a little more in-depth knowledge of the law in question. Figures provided by the right holders, no chapter on s?curisation acc?s nothing about filtering, much less on the CIO, nothing about an IP, abuse of the word “pirate” plut?t as abonn?… fiabilit? Other small bug, more discreet, t?che this story too perfect.

Over the ?mission ?t? tourn?e one of the s?quences has on the premises of the ALPA, the association for the fight against audiovisual piracy.It is an attentive reader (thanks high d?finition) has rep?r? l? a small fault in the cha?ne s?quences.
Gr?ce ? two plans on a ?cran showing an administration console, it was possible to reconstruct two three movements, the URL for the extranet of TMG ?t?.

As a result, he was possible to reconstruct other URLs in rempla?ant “alpa” with the name of the other right holders having ?t? autoris?es by the CNIL ? structures ?t? work with TMG prior to the transfer of the Hadopi ? IP
the SPPF

https://cei.tmg.eu/scpp.agent/authentication.php for the COPCS…
The cha?ne having tent? hide this URL in vain, can safely talk about a small d?faut s?curisation expos? ? t?l?spectateurs million…

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